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Feeling Bloated? Here’s what you need to do

Gas formation and bloating are common scenarios for many of us. It can be induced due to overeating, stress, or many other causes. Bloating is not the same as fat build-up around your belly. You could have less fat in your body and still experience bloating. 

According to Ayurveda, the root cause of bloating is weak Agni. Because of impaired Agni, the fermentable food leads to the formation of gas which accumulates in the lower abdomen and causes bloating. Here are some tips which can help you with bloating.

Use Spices in your cooking

Indian spices boost the food’s flavor and can help you with digestion too. From cumin seeds to hing and fennel seeds, these spices help evoke your digestive enzymes and ensure the food is properly digested and assimilated while eliminating free radicals.

Chew your food properly

The most straightforward way to avoid bloating and digestive problems is to chew your food properly. As a general rule, chew your food 32 times before gobbling it. That way, your food will be predigested before reaching the stomach so that your stomach can easily digest it. 

Saunf after meals

A mixture of fennel seeds and rock sugar is best after meals. However, you can go for some digestive mukhwas mixtures too. Chewing on fennel seeds helps release enzymes that catalyze digestion, preventing bloating and other gastrointestinal issues.

Stop drinking excess liquids before, during, and after meals

Drinking excess liquids when eating meals dilutes the enzymes required for effective digestion. It will extinguish our fire and produce a soupy slug in the belly that likes to stay in the stomach for far too long. This can cause a variety of indigestion, and if you are already prone to gas and bloating, this will only add fuel to the fire.

Maintaining a healthy diet and weight, promoting good bowel habits, and getting regular exercise may help reduce symptoms. If bloating is caused by specific foods in your diet, avoiding or eliminating these foods can help.

And if you are looking for natural remedies for bloating problems then buy our Gastoril powder. Our Gastoril powder is an ayurvedic tonic for improving digestion and lowering the burning sensation in the upper chest region. Just take 1 to 2 grams, twice or thrice a day with lukewarm water or as directed by an Ayurvedic Doctor. Shop Now at https://herbelixir.in/product/gasotril-powder/ and for more such insights follow our Instagram handle herb. elixir.

Happy Reading!


Mohan ji Herbal

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